Content Marketing Simplified A Quick Guide for Businesses & Nonprofits Free Printable: ![]()
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📘 Facebook | 📸 Instagram | 💼 LinkedIn | ▶️ YouTube | 📌 Pinterest Sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest insights and tools. BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC
Are you hosting family over the holidays, or have you been put in charge at the office of 'company fun' at the Christmas party? Make your holiday gatherings unforgettable with our Holiday Party Games Guide! From spirited trivia challenges to hilarious gift-exchange games and creative activities for kids, these ideas are perfect for adding laughter and joy to your celebrations. ***Disclosure: Please don’t drive after drinking*** 1. GIFT WRAPPING GAME Divide groups into pairs. Each pair of people stands around a table in front of a piece of wrapping paper, a roll of tape, scissors, ribbon, and shirt gift boxes. Each pair of players stands with one arm around the other person. Say "Go!” and the players must race to wrap their box with one person using only their right hand and the other person using only their left hand. (Keep the other hand wrapped around the partner's waist.) The first pair to wrap their gift box wins! 2. ORNAMENT GUESS A great way to start your holiday party is to have guests guess how many ornaments are on your tree when they walk into the party. The person with the closet guess wins! 3. TOOTHPICK TOWER MARSHMALLOW GAME Supplies: Toothpicks, mini marshmallows Who can build the tallest marshmallow tower? It may sound simple, but you have to be super fast and somewhat creative to win. Suggested for ages 10 and up. 4. SHAVING CREAM SANTAS Supplies: Shaving Cream, plastic spoons, and paper towels. Divide into pairs. Each pair decides who will play Santa. The Santa covers his/her face with shaving cream. The other player is Santa's barber. Jingle a bell to start! The teams race to "shave" their Santas. The winning team is the first to have a clean-shaven Santa and set their spoon on the table. To signify they are done, Santa lets out a loud "Ho ho ho!” Tip: Make this an edible game for kids with non-dairy whipped cream. 5. BALLOON STOMPING GAME Grab a bag of dollar store balloons and give one to each player with some curling ribbon. Each player blows up their balloon and ties it to their ankle. Now blow a horn or ring a holiday bell to start the stomping! Each party guest must stomp the other players’ balloons. The more you stomp, the better your chances of winning the game. The last person to have a balloon wins! Use masking or painter's tape to mark a circular play area on the floor. 6. DRUNK TREASURE HUNT Hide two chests with gifts in them in two different locations and keep clues leading to the treasure hidden around your property. This sounds like a normal treasure hunt game, but this one is better: With every clue a team finds in this game, a bottle of whiskey is awarded. Each member of the team will have a shot of whiskey before continuing on their quest to find the treasure. With every clue they find, teams will drink more, making it difficult – and hilarious – to find the treasure. The best part is both teams will get presents and every participant will enjoy themselves – especially the ones who appreciate a drink or two. 7. NAME THOSE LOGOS Go through several magazines and cut out advertisement symbols (i.e. the VW logo, but not the word Volkswagen). Paste each on the white side of a 3×5 card and have everyone go around the room with an answer sheet and try to identify as many of the symbols as possible. 8. DRESS UP SANTA With Dress Up Santa, you'll need plenty of space to play – preferably a large room, where there won't be much furniture in the way. Break everyone into 2-3 equal teams, assigning each to its own work area in the room. In each work area is a large cardboard box with a Santa Claus outfit (costume, boots, hat, beard, and all). On “Go,” all groups compete to be the first to dress up one of their team in the full Santa gear. Set the round for 3-5 minutes. To win, a team must use up all the items in their box and produce the best-dressed Santa. 9. WHAT’S IN YOUR STOCKING? For a large party, divide the group into teams of 3-5 people. Give each team a Christmas stocking full of holiday items that has been tied shut with ribbon. (Get the Christmas stockings ready ahead of time by filling them loosely with small, non-fragile objects: candy canes, plastic holly/mistletoe, plastic non-breakable tree ornaments, etc.) Set a timer and give each team 3 minutes to feel the stocking and write down all the objects that they can identify by feeling them through the stocking. The team with the most correct items wins. 10. AMAZING MAZE GAME This game is ideal for children. Choose a variety of Christmas curling ribbon colors in a single roll or ball, one for each player. Tie a prize or party favor to one end of each ribbon. Hide the end with the gift on it somewhere in the house. Now, unwind the ribbon and wrap it all over the room – around furniture, over tables, under doors, anywhere to create a fun challenge. Tie a candy cane to the other end of the ribbon. Repeat for each player, tangling the ribbons if necessary. When the guests arrive, give each one a candy cane and have them follow the ribbon to untangle it (wrapping it around their candy cane as they go). Let them know it leads to a surprise. Let the fun begin! 11. CHRISTMAS WRAPPING “PIN THE BOW” Wrap three large boxes. Line players up single file behind each box. Give each player a giant sticky bow, spin them around, and jingle a bell to start. Players must walk around the box, then pin the bow on top, return to the opposite end of the room, and sit down before the next team member goes. The first team with all members seated wins. 12. FIND SANTA’S REINDEER Buy some dollar store holiday stocking stuffers – reindeer, angels, Santas, etc. Hide them around the house. Players must find reindeer to drive Santa's sleigh, 9 reindeer in all. Attach a clue to each stuffer indicating where the next one can be found. When players find a reindeer, they will line it up next to the Santa. When all reindeer are placed next to Santa you announce the winner. The winner is the one who finds Rudolph. Winner gets a prize of their choice! 13. CELEBRITIES This is a great game for mingling at a party. Write the names of celebrities or characters on pieces of paper and stick them to players’ foreheads or backs (use tape or office Post-It notes). Make sure players don’t see their own name. The objective for players is to figure out who they are by interacting with other guests. Others can make sounds, give clues, or act out who you are. What a fun ice breaker! 14. CHRISTMAS PIÑATA Finding group holiday party games that everybody is sure to enjoy can be tough, but this idea will delight kids and kids-at-heart. Piñatas aren’t limited to kids’ birthday parties any longer! Look for one in the shape of an ornament or reindeer. Fill it with holiday candy and small toys, and let your guests swing away (just be careful not to knock over the Christmas tree)! Whether you're hosting a family dinner, an office party, or a cozy gathering with friends, these holiday-themed games will keep everyone entertained and in the holiday spirit. BIG DEAL Company is a creative collective of women here to bring you joy! We offer a variety of downloadable resources, tips and ideas to make any gathering a success. Follow us on social media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest - and sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest event trends. ![]()
Follow us on social media for event highlights, creative inspiration, marketing tips, and updates on our latest projects.
📘 Facebook | 📸 Instagram | 💼 LinkedIn | ▶️ YouTube | 📌 Pinterest Sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest insights and tools. As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns! BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC The “True American” drinking game is a chaotic and imaginative party game that gained popularity after being featured on the TV show New Girl. It combines elements of drinking, strategy, and teamwork with quirky rules that often involve navigating a room as though the floor is "lava." The game’s structure includes a mix of trivia, puzzle-solving, and an elaborate setup that often leaves room for improvisation, making it as much about creativity as it is about gameplay. Once all the beers have been removed, the first player to reach the bottle of alcohol, finish their beer, and take a swig from bottle, wins the game. ***Disclosure: Please don’t drive after drinking.*** The Castle The Castle is made up of one bottle of liquor and many cans of beer (you decide how many based on the number of players). The liquor is the King and sits in the middle of the Castle. The cans of beer are the Pawns and the Soldiers of the Secret Order. The Pawns are lined up in four lines radiating outward from the King. These lines of Pawns also signify the barriers between each zone. The game ends when all the Pawns have been removed and a player drinks from the King. The Zones There are four zones, each with five spaces where a player can stand. The center space in each zone is the only space where the Pawns can be taken and thus it is the closest space to the Castle. There are a total of four of these spaces. The spaces at the beginning and end of the zones are the farthest away from the Castle. Setup Before the game starts, determine how many beers total should be consumed and setup the Castle with those beers as the Pawns. Using the lines of Pawns as barriers between the zones; designate each zone, making sure to have 5 spaces in each zone as described above. Teams are optional. Gameplay After setup is complete, players may have a shotgun contest to determine who has the first turn. If no player wisher to shotgun a beer, play rock-paper-scissors instead. To start the game, the winner of this contest yells "One, two three, JFK!" at which point all other players yell "FDR", grab a Pawn from the Castle, and retreat to any space. Players move around the game area in a clockwise direction. The player whose turn it is always moves one space; however, the other players must "win" their moves. This player has three ways to provide the other players with a way to win their move.
Players must always have a beer in their hand and may not have more than three at any one time. Players may only take a Pawn from the Castle when they are in one of the four center spaces. Winning After all Pawns have been removed, the King is vulnerable. The first player to land on one of the center spaces, finish their beer and take a swig from the King, wins the game! Losing If you are caught without a beer or with only an empty beer, you lose. If you step in molten lava, you lose. To enter back into the game, drink one full beer and start on a space that the other players decide. BIG DEAL Company is a creative collective of women here to bring you joy! We offer a variety of downloadable resources, tips and ideas to make any gathering a success. Follow us on social media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest - and sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest event trends. ![]()
Follow us on social media for event highlights, creative inspiration, marketing tips, and updates on our latest projects.
📘 Facebook | 📸 Instagram | 💼 LinkedIn | ▶️ YouTube | 📌 Pinterest Sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest insights and tools. As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns! BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC Spike that eggnog, Sparky, grab your favorite moose mug, and play BIG DEAL Company’s Christmas Vacation drinking game! (free printable below) ***Disclosure: Please don’t drive after drinking to put up with your family. What you will need: Any beer, eggnog, wine, or drink of your choice; a Santa hat; and a single shot of your choice (perhaps a lime Jell-O shot topped with cat food). DRINKING RULES: Take one drink every time… ● Ellen calls Clark "Sparky" ● Someone is wearing an ugly holiday sweater ● There is singing or bells shaking ● The swimming pool is referenced ● Clark is wearing a sports team article of clothing Additional rules… ● The entire group takes a drink whenever an advent calendar door is opened. ● You must yell “Shitter’s Full!” any time you leave to use the restroom, otherwise you must finish your beer when you return. ● The first person to say “Get me somebody! And get me somebody while I'm waiting!” when Frank Shirley appears on screen for the first time chooses a person to finish their drink. ● The first person to stand up & fully complete the “knock on the door, peek in…” correctly WITH hand gestures during that scene gives two drinks. ● At any point in the movie, you can point to someone & yell "RUSS!" If they do not respond with "Right here, dad" they must take a drink (max once per person, this could get out of control). ● Anytime someone misquotes a line in the movie, they have to wear the Santa hat until it gets passed to the next person. ● When the movie is over, the last person wearing the Santa hat has to shotgun a beer & finish by saying “Ahh, It’s good, It’s good. It’s good.” BIG DEAL Company is a creative collective of women here to bring you joy! We offer a variety of downloadable resources, tips and ideas to make any gathering a success. Follow us on social media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest - and sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest event trends. ![]()
Pace yourself for this one with drinks that don’t have super high alcohol content. To pad your stomach prior to playing, kudos to the host for providing some "meatloaf, smeatloaf, double-beatloaf." (free game printable below) ***Disclosure: Please don’t drive after drinking.*** DRINKING RULES: Take one drink every time…
Finish your drink…
Group Rules:
BIG DEAL Company is a creative collective of women here to bring you joy! We offer a variety of downloadable resources, tips and ideas to make any gathering a success. Follow us on social media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest - and sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest event trends. ![]()
You've raised your hand and offered to host. Now what? Give that bride-to-be or newly engaged couple the BEST bridal shower ever! Having hosted hundreds of private parties, celebrating BIG moments, BIG DEAL is giving you our TOP SECRET, personally created, creative and original games that you cannot find anywhere else! Just download and print! Below are some of our top bridal shower games. You're welcome! Why We Do That Bridal Shower Game ![]()
Wedding Movies Bridal Shower Game ![]()
Movie Love Quotes Bridal Shower Game ![]()
Follow us on social media for event highlights, creative inspiration, marketing tips, and updates on our latest projects.
📘 Facebook | 📸 Instagram | 💼 LinkedIn | ▶️ YouTube | 📌 Pinterest Sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest insights and tools. As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns! BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC You've raised your hand and offered to host. Now what? Give that mommy to be or parents to be the BEST baby shower ever! Having hosted hundreds of private parties, celebrating BIG moments, BIG DEAL is giving you our TOP SECRET, personally created, creative and original games that you cannot find anywhere else! Just download and print! Below are some of our top baby shower games. You're welcome! Zoo Babies Baby Shower Game ![]()
Name That Baby Tune Baby Shower Game ![]()
Children's Storybook Baby Shower Game ![]()
How Long Baby Shower Game ![]()
Follow us on social media for event highlights, creative inspiration, marketing tips, and updates on our latest projects. 📘 Facebook | 📸 Instagram | 💼 LinkedIn | ▶️ YouTube | 📌 Pinterest Sign up for our online newsletter to stay updated on the latest insights and tools. As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns!
BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC 7 Effective (and Affordable) Marketing Tips for Nonprofits on a Budget Marketing your nonprofit’s mission can feel overwhelming at times, especially when you’re working within a tight, or sometimes, non-existent budget. However, with a strategic approach, even limited resources can provide great results. Big Deal Company has pulled together some practical tips and tricks to help your nonprofit effectively market your cause without breaking the bank. 1. Know Your Audience The foundation of successful marketing is knowing who you are speaking to. Are you targeting potential clients, donors, or businesses? Each audience has different motivations and needs, so it’s imperative that you tailor your messages accordingly.
2. Use Donor-Centric Language When marketing to donors, make THEM the hero of the story. Use “YOU” language to show how their contribution makes a difference. For example, instead of saying, “Our organization provides food to families in need,” say, “YOU can provide food to families in need by supporting this mission.” This makes the donor feel personally involved in creating change. 3. Leverage Social Media for Free Promotion Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer free tools that can help you reach a larger audience. Focus on:
4. Collaborate with Local Influencers, Organizations, and Volunteers Reach out to local influencers, groups, community leaders, or even businesses that align with your cause. They can amplify your message by sharing it with their networks. Similarly, dedicated volunteers can help spread the word and even assist with event organization or marketing efforts. Big Deal Company always creates an event or campaign Media Kit that can easily be distributed to Board Members or organizational ambassadors so they can help spread the word! 5. Create an Email Newsletter Email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective ways to communicate directly with your audience. Use newsletters to:
6. Utilize Free Tools and Resources There are a plethora of free or low-cost marketing tools that can help you get the job done efficiently:
7. Host Virtual or Low-Lift Events Events don’t have to be expensive to be impactful. Consider hosting a virtual event, such as a live stream or webinar, which can be more budget-friendly than an in-person gathering. Invite supporters to join for free and encourage donations or sponsorships during the event. BONUS: 8. Enlist a contractor, such at BIG DEAL Company to take on these important pieces. Rather than hire a full-time staff member, our team of experts can support you in an variety of ways, and work with your budget! Big Deal Company Can Help At Big Deal Company, we understand the challenges nonprofits face when it comes to marketing on a budget. Our team is dedicated to helping you develop affordable marketing strategies, organize impactful events, and communicate your mission effectively. We’re here to ensure that your message reaches the right audience and generates meaningful support and funds for your cause. Ready to grow your nonprofit’s impact? Contact Big Deal Company today to explore how we can help with your marketing efforts. As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns!
BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC Marketing Trend 2024: Why Video is a MUST-HAVE for Impactful Marketing Video is no longer just a “nice-to-have” in marketing - it’s an essential tool for making a lasting impression. Download our FREE printable with the details below! ![]()
As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns!
BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC 2024 Event Trend: Shorter Lead Times There are several factors for this new trend including changing client expectations, the fast-paced nature of business, and ongoing uncertainties in areas like health regulations and market conditions. Here’s a look at this trend and how event professionals can navigate it successfully: ***Download our free 4-page printable below ![]()
As a collective of experts, BIG DEAL Company specializes in creativity. With superior organization, marketing experience and original ideas, we pull off amazing events and campaigns!
BIG DEAL Company makes business personal by bringing JOY to the job in everything we do. As purveyors of fun with BIG DEAL, we support businesses and individuals in the growth of their ideas, events and marketing strategies. Our creative aptitude allows for unique ideas. Our passion for perfection makes every client a priority! Serving Colorado & Wyoming. We travel too! Contact BIG DEAL Company *** Bringing Joy to the Job *** Phone: 970-613-1455 or 303-886-3068 Email Us Disclosure: *All content produced by My Big Day; DBA Big Deal Company, including websites and content, are the property of My Big Day LLC and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of our materials without the prior written permission from My Big Day LLC |
About BIG DEALMaking Business Personal. We pride ourselves on giving you something to look forward to. We are a connected collective of creatives - owned and operated by outstanding women. Archives
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